
plotter मीनिंग इन हिंदी

[ 'plɔtə ]
plotter उदाहरण वाक्य
डाउनलोड Hindlish App

उदाहरण वाक्य

अधिक:   आगे
  1. The plotters were steering around the question of anti-Semitism.
  2. Future governments would have less to worry about from military plotters.
  3. Understandable or not, all these plotters share a common mind.
  4. The plotters of that cowardly act have gotten away with murder.
  5. Bahaji may have been responsible for the plotters'computer literacy.
  6. He also commuted the death sentences of 13 alleged coup plotters.
  7. He is the last of the coup plotters still in jail.
  8. Lebed said Georgian Defense Minister Vardiko Nadibaidze was among the plotters.
  9. Zamot Fernandez was arrested, along with dozens of other plotters.
  10. Putschists and plotters are those who refuse to apply the statutes,


  1. an instrument (usually driven by a computer) for drawing graphs or pictures
  2. a member of a conspiracy
    पर्याय: conspirator, coconspirator, machinator
  3. a clerk who marks data on a chart
    पर्याय: mapper
  4. a planner who draws up a personal scheme of action
    पर्याय: schemer

के आस-पास के शब्द

  1. plotophyte
  2. plottable error
  3. plotted
  4. plotted control
  5. plotted frequency distribution
  6. plotter board
  7. plotters
  8. plotting
  9. plotting and planning chart
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