
polarimeters मीनिंग इन हिंदी

polarimeters उदाहरण वाक्य
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उदाहरण वाक्य

अधिक:   आगे
  1. Optical activity is measured using a polarized source and polarimeter.
  2. Another feature of modern polarimeters is the Faraday modulator.
  3. He also developed X-ray polarimeters.
  4. The rotation of light is measured using a polarimeter and is expressed as the optical rotation.
  5. He also invented the binocular camera, two types of polarimeters, the polyzonal lens and the lighthouse illuminator.
  6. Many polarimeters are equipped with a mercury lamp ( in addition to the sodium lamp ) for this purpose.
  7. The 90 GHz pixels are individually packaged dual-polarization absorber-coupled polarimeters developed at Argonne National Laboratory.
  8. This usage makes a polarimeter a tool of great importance to those trading in or using sugar syrups in bulk.
  9. Polarimeters are used in the sugar industry for determining quality of both juice from sugar cane and the refined sucrose.
  10. During the 1920s, French astronomer Bernard Lyot used a polarimeter to study the surface properties of the Moon and planets.

के आस-पास के शब्द

  1. polarability catastrophe
  2. polarian
  3. polaribilocular
  4. polarilocular
  5. polarimeter
  6. polarimetric imaging
  7. polarimetry
  8. polaris
  9. polarisability
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