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quasiregularity मीनिंग इन हिंदी
quasiregularity उदाहरण वाक्य
उदाहरण वाक्य
अधिक: आगे- For other notions of quasiregularity in mathematics, see the disambiguation page quasiregular ."
- In this article, we primarily concern ourselves with the notion of quasiregularity for unital rings.
- :" This article addresses the notion of quasiregularity in the context of representation theory and topological algebra.
- However, one section is devoted to the theory of quasiregularity in non-unital rings, which constitutes an important aspect of noncommutative ring theory.
- In mathematics, specifically ring theory, the notion of "'quasiregularity "'provides a computationally convenient way to work with the Jacobson radical of a ring.
- Intuitively, "'quasiregularity "'captures what it means for an element of a ring to be " bad "; that is, have undesirable properties.
- The notions of "'right or left quasiregularity "'correspond to the situations where 1 & minus; " r " has a right or left inverse, respectively.