
rostrate मीनिंग इन हिंदी

rostrate उदाहरण वाक्य
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उदाहरण वाक्य

अधिक:   आगे
  1. They are the only known rostrate laemophloeids in the Pacific region.
  2. The rostrate condition is far more marked in females than in males.
  3. Buds are rostrate with a calyptrate calyx that sheds early.
  4. The operculum is equipped with long rostrate.
  5. It belongs to a small group of rostrate laemophloeid genera endemic to the New World.
  6. The fruits are usually dry with thick, tough pericarps, sometimes rostrate and / or winged.
  7. Buds ovoid, 10 11 mm long, 6 7 mm diam ., scar usually absent; calyptra hemispherical or rostrate, shorter than and as wide as hypanthium.
  8. "Rhinolaemus " species are moderate to large ( 2 mm-4 mm ) dark beetles with pale fascia on the elytra, conspicuous pubescence, closed procoxal cavities, long antennae, and a more or less rostrate head.
  9. The setae found within the genus are erect, smooth, elongate or very short, and serve to uphold the very large, inoperculate capsules that are globose, discoid or obovoid ( depending on the species ), and bluntly rostrate or rounded at the apex.
  10. The fish targeted for upstream passage at the Rahway River Water Supply Dam are alewife ( Alosa pseudoharengus ), blueback herring ( Alosa aestivalis ), gizzard shad ( Dorosoma cepedianum ), white perch ( Morone Americana ) and the endangered American eel ( Anguilla rostrate ).


  1. having a beak or beaklike snout or proboscis

के आस-पास के शब्द

  1. rostral cavity
  2. rostral opening
  3. rostral plate
  4. rostral shield
  5. rostral tube
  6. rostratulidae
  7. rostro carinate
  8. rostro-carinate tool
  9. rostro-pineal plate
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