
admissible test वाक्य

"admissible test" हिंदी में  admissible test in a sentence  

उदाहरण वाक्य

  1. An admissible test about 90 minutes later showed Moyers'blood-alcohol content had dropped to 0.079, within the legal limit.
  2. An admissible test about 90 minutes later showed Moyers'blood-alcohol content had dropped to 0 . 079, within the legal limit.

के आस-पास के शब्द

  1. admissibilities
  2. admissibility
  3. admissible
  4. admissible evidence
  5. admissible in evidence
  6. admissible value
  7. admission
  8. admission age
  9. admission bed
  10. admission card
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