
aircraft acceptance वाक्य

"aircraft acceptance" हिंदी में  aircraft acceptance in a sentence  

उदाहरण वाक्य

  1. Additional roles included West Coast aircraft acceptance and transport service for the Marine Corps.
  2. During World War I, RFC Filton was mainly used as an aircraft acceptance facility.
  3. The airfield then became home to an Aircraft Acceptance Park which closed in 1919 when the aerodrome was closed.
  4. An Aircraft Acceptance Park was in residence between 27 July 1917 and 12 October 1917 before being renamed to No . 12 Aircraft Acceptance Park which stayed until May 1919.
  5. An Aircraft Acceptance Park was in residence between 27 July 1917 and 12 October 1917 before being renamed to No . 12 Aircraft Acceptance Park which stayed until May 1919.
  6. Major changes were made to the Flying Village with the construction in late 1917 of three large'Belfast-truss'General Service Sheds for a new Aircraft Acceptance Park ( later No . 10 AAP ).
  7. In 1917, the field at North Stoneham was requisitioned by the War Office as an Aircraft Acceptance Park, but before completion, the base was given to the US Navy to develop an assembly area; this subsequently evolved into Southampton International Airport.
  8. On 31 August 2002, the Intensive Flying and Trials Unit ( IFTU ) was established at INS Garuda and was tasked with with the roles of aircraft acceptance, operator & crew training, evaluation & trials of aircraft and sensors, doctrine formulation, establishing operating & maintenance procedures.
  9. On 29 August 2006, the airline took delivery of its 100th aircraft, an Airbus A330-300 with the registration B-LAD . For the aircraft acceptance ceremony in Toulouse, the aircraft was painted in a " 100th aircraft " livery with the wording " 100th aircraft ", and the traditional Chinese wording " 2�ek?| ^ y " painted on the rear of the aircraft . The aircraft was named " Progress Hong Kong ", a name that was chosen from a competition by the staff.
अधिक:   आगे

के आस-पास के शब्द

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  3. airbuses
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  5. aircraft
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  9. aircraft carrier
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