amercement वाक्य
"amercement" हिंदी में amercement in a sentenceउदाहरण वाक्य
- Peine and Jagusch both received a financial fine ( amercement ).
- This distinction between fines and amercements, absolute in theory, could readily be obliterated in practice.
- In a 2013 review paper, Gallant and King expressed their concern over amercements in Canada and Ireland.
- No one could expect to pass through life ( perhaps hardly through a single year ) without being subjected to amercements.
- A cause of action in amercement will exist against a sheriff who refused to seize property under a writ of execution.
- In latter-day practice, amercements may include partial ( Jang ) or full seizure ( Lloydsmith, Rai ) of a house.
- The spirit of the restriction placed by this chapter and by the common law upon the King s prerogative of inflicting amercements could often be evaded.
- Amercements were commonly used as a punishment for minor offenses ( such as trespassing in the King's forest ), as an alternative to imprisonment.
- The LLM thesis of JA Krane, which studied amercements in detail, concluded that the Charter of Rights was deficient because it fails to enshrine property rights.
- New taxes were introduced and the existing accounts re-audited, and the reforms of the legal system brought in new streams of money from fines and amercements.
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