
anaglyph वाक्य

"anaglyph" हिंदी में  anaglyph in a sentence  

उदाहरण वाक्य

  1. Anaglyph and polarized glasses are distributed to audiences at 3D movies.
  2. Prints were by Technicolor in red-and-blue anaglyph.
  3. A 3D anaglyph version was included as an additional special feature.
  4. Louis Ducos du Hauron produced the first printed anaglyphs in 1891.
  5. It contains an anaglyph 3D feature as well as HDR lighting.
  6. The first anaglyph film was invented in 1915 by Edwin S Porter.
  7. Process reconfigures the typical anaglyph image to have less parallax.
  8. The well-known " anaglyph color filter method.
  9. Anaglyphs can be printed with normal printers and used as 3D posters.
  10. This was anaglyph process, with prints produced by Technicolor.
अधिक:   आगे

के आस-पास के शब्द

  1. anaesthetization
  2. anaesthetize
  3. anaesthetized
  4. anaesthetizes
  5. anaesthetizing
  6. anagoge
  7. anagoges
  8. anagogic
  9. anagram
  10. anagrammed
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