
association centre वाक्य

"association centre" हिंदी में  association centre in a sentence  

उदाहरण वाक्य

  1. The Pakistan Canada Association Centre serves as the hub of activity.
  2. The Party organized itself through hyperlocal, broad-based associations centred around neighborhoods, schools and workplaces.
  3. Set in beautiful grounds, it is now a haven and peace and tranquility as a Quaker Housing Association centre.
  4. The Don Bosco Beautitudes School acts as a rehabilation cum Youth Association centre for the youth around this area.
  5. The "'International Capital Market Association Centre "'( or "'ICMA Centre "') is a centre of higher education based in the Reading, Berkshire.
  6. While he was 20 he was called up for his military service, and in 1956 he was sent to the Army Sports Association centre at Potsdam.
  7. Dr Tan said the association centre will be used as a centre for Parkinson's disease with facilities which include a day care centre offering various forms of therapy, a medical clinic, counselling representation and administrative centre.
  8. He worked as a clerk in the records office of the Tanganyika ( now Tanzania ) police in 1949 and later for four years continued his education at Aggrey Memorial College in Uganda, where he joined and became secretary of the Nyasaland Students'Association centred at Makerere College, supporting himself with odd jobs.
  9. Besides Euston Road at the north, Birkenhead Street also adjoins St . Chads Street ( formerly Derry Street ) in the centre and terminates at Argyle Street, London ( formerly Manchester Street ) at the south, adjacent to the Kings Cross Brunswick Neighbourhood Association Centre ( KCBNA ), which is accommodated within the Birkenhead Street Estate.
  10. According to the Protestant Federation of France, the church displayed a " classical and structured Pentecostalism, with very little contact with other churches . " The anti-cult association Centre contre les manipulations mentales said the church " comes from the classical Pentecostal movement which emerged in France in the 1950s and which now includes various groups ".
अधिक:   आगे

के आस-पास के शब्द

  1. associateship
  2. association
  3. association agreement
  4. association analysis
  5. association area
  6. association coefficient
  7. association football
  8. association group
  9. association list
  10. association neuron
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