aurora borealis वाक्य
"aurora borealis" हिंदी में aurora borealis in a sentenceउदाहरण वाक्य
- Q : I'm planning to visit Alaska to view the aurora borealis.
- The aurora borealis is often visible at night time during the winter.
- 1719-The first recorded sighting of the Aurora Borealis takes place in New England.
- The sky was aflame with the aurora borealis, the eerily luminous northern lights.
- Q : I'm curious about the aurora borealis, or northern lights.
- Energetic particles in the magnetosphere contribute to the aurora borealis and aurora australis.
- The ceiling is decorated with the aurora borealis, human torches and lava lamps.
- Another astronomical phenomenon is the Aurora Borealis ( Northern Lights ).
- These powers were a result of Langkowski's self-experimentation with Aurora Borealis.
- The aurora borealis appears on the horizon to show Balto the way home.
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