beheading वाक्य
"beheading" हिंदी में beheading in a sentenceउदाहरण वाक्य
- I live in America, and am blessed to have the First Amendment, and am angry that the American media is too cowardly in the face of Islamofacists to run the cartoons. I posted that cartoon, and invited others to draw their own cartoons, as a way of protesting both American media cowardice and Islamist attempts to suppress free speech via threats of bombs and bullets and burning and beheading. But then I never publicized the site and, quite frankly, forgot is was up until today. P.S. I am insensitve toward religions that have a large number of adherents who are running around blowing stuff up and threatening to kill non-believers over cartoons. Yes, I plead insensitivity. I would prefer my children not grow up in a world governed by Islamofacists.
13 अपैल को Nashville Scene में जान स्प्राजेन्स ने इस विषय को एक लेख का विषय बनाया जिसका शीर्षक था,एक स्थानीय ब्लागर का देशी कार्टून जिसमें मसखरेपन से अधिक सिद्धान्त है. उन्होंने विषय को स्पष्ट करने के लिये पेज के एक संक्षिप्त संस्करण को लिया . जैसा कि शीर्षक में अन्तर्निहित है कि स्प्राजेन्स ने हाब्स की कड़ी आलोचना की - - July 4, 2013 update : Hillel Frisch of Bar-Ilan University goes further than do I, finding no joy and only worries. He argues that Morsi should have allowed .. his full term in office [and] to fail. At that point, a weak president ruling over an even weaker state might have been pressured to hold democratic elections once again. Washington could have placed pressure on the Egyptian government to hold free elections in such a situation, reminding Morsi that an American withdrawal of financial and technological aid could cause Egypt to collapse. The Muslim Brotherhood, in the biggest and most important Arab state, would have then been elected out of office. … Instead, the bitter adherents of the Muslim Brotherhood and other Salafist groups (and at a later stage the youth in Tamarod once they realize that they were wronged again) might learn an entirely different lesson, an ominous one played out in other revolutions: the beheading of potential counter-revolutionaries in a manner they themselves refrained from doing after Mubarak's ouster.
एक दूसरे विषय में हडसन इन्स्टीट्यूट के ली स्मिथ का अनुमान है कि मिस्र के नये शासक देश को पुनः एक करने के लिये और शांति के लिये अंतरराष्ट्रीय समुदाय से धन लेने के लिये इजरायल के विरुद्ध एक सीमित काल का युद्ध कर सकते हैं , ताकि मिस्र मध्य पूर्व में पुनः अपनी प्रतिष्ठा प्राप्त कर सके। वैसे ऐसे युद्ध से कोई भी उद्देश्य सिद्ध नहीं होगा , मिस्र की सेना बुरी तरह पराजित होगी , देश और भी गरीब और कमजोर होगा परंतु इस सम्भावना से इंकार नहीं किया जा सकता । मिस्र के नेता पहले भी मूर्खतपूर्ण ढंग से इजरायल से भिड चुके हैं। - While several scholars demanded a review of the punishment for apostates in the light of the changing modern values, others refuted their argument saying the original Islamic texts call for harsh punishments. “Religious freedom is a right that should be guaranteed to every human being. We have come here to present and discuss different viewpoints and we should do it in order to reach the right solution,” said Mahmoud Zaqzouq, Egypt's minister of endowments. Some participants doubted the validity of texts quoted in support of the beheading of apostates. On the other hand, several others were adamant in their refusal to the demand for a lighter approach toward apostates in the name of freedom of religion. “The view that Islamic scholars of the past had different views on how to punish apostates is incorrect. They only disagreed on how soon apostates should be executed; should it be done in three days, one week or few months. The waiting time is left to the discretion of the ruler,” said Muhammad Al-Nujaimi, a professor at the Higher Institute of Law in Riyadh. June 3, 2012 update : Darul Uloom Deoband, a key Indian Muslim institution, has delivered what MEMRI calls “a revolutionary fatwa (edict) against polygamy , advising Muslims in India not to contract a second marriage.” Their fatwa reads, in the unedited English:
निष्कर्ष रूप में यही विचार है: अमेरिका के लोगों के पास इस्लाम का ज्ञान है जो कि प्रभावित करने लायक है। उग्रवादी इस्लाम के प्रति क्षमाप्रार्थी का भाव रखने वालों के दावे के विपरीत कि अमेरिका के लोग इस सम्बंध में अज्ञानी हैं मेरे पाठक जानते हैं कि वे किस विषय में बात कर रहे हैं। उनकी समालोचना कुछ अवसरों पर काफी ज्ञानवर्धक (जैसे कि कुरान में कुछ विषय समाप्त किये जाने पर) और कुछ अवसरों पर यह अभिव्यक्ति से भरपूर है( अगली बार जब सडक पर या भवन में इजरायल के नागरिक को समाप्त करने से सम्बंधित कोई फिल्म क्लिप देखें जो जरा सोचें कि वास्तव में बुराई कहाँ है” )