
butanoic acid वाक्य

"butanoic acid" हिंदी में  butanoic acid in a sentence  

उदाहरण वाक्य

  1. This enzyme participates in butanoic acid metabolism.
  2. It is attractive in appearance, but contains butyric acid ( also known as butanoic acid ) and smells like rancid butter or vomit when fallen.
  3. Just don't ever ask how I memorized the organic acids for chemistry ( formic acid, ethanoic acid, propanoic acid, butanoic acid, valeric acid ).
  4. "' 4-( ?-Glutamylamino ) butanoic acid "'is molecule that consists of ?-glutamyl-?-aminobutyrate hydrolase, which is involved in the biosynthesis of polyamines.
  5. Methoxy polyethylene glycol-epoetin beta is made from erythropoietin by chemically linking the N-terminal amino group or the -amino group of any lysine present in the protein with methoxy polyethylene glycol butanoic acid.
  6. Isovaleric acid ( 3-methyl butanoic acid ) is the other source of body odor as a result of actions of the bacteria " Staphylococcus epidermidis ", which is also present in several strong cheese types.
  7. Isovaleric acid ( 3-methyl butanoic acid ) is the other source of foot odor and is a result of actions of the bacteria " Staphylococcus epidermidis " which are also present in several strong cheese types.
  8. This can either be reduced with sodium amalgam to butanoic acid, can form with sulfuric acid 2-chlorobutenoic acid, react with hydrogen chloride to 2, 3-dichlorobutenoic acid or with potassium ethoxide to 3-methyloxirane-2-carboxylic acid.
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के आस-पास के शब्द

  1. but then again
  2. butacite
  3. butadiene
  4. butane
  5. butanediol
  6. butanol
  7. butanone
  8. butanoyl
  9. butch
  10. butcher
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