
cannon ball वाक्य

"cannon ball" हिंदी में  cannon ball in a sentence  

उदाहरण वाक्य

  1. The temple has two NagaLinga Flower Trees or Cannon Ball Flower Trees.
  2. Suppose we have a 1kg cannon ball and a 100 kg cannon.
  3. Cannon ball holes can be seen inside the house to this day.
  4. The furnace produced cannons, cannon balls, shells, camp kettles, wagons and ships.
  5. Cannon balls fired from the castle caused some damage to the church.
  6. We are happy that cricket balls have taken the place of cannon balls,
  7. During the battle more than 100 cannon balls were fired into the town.
  8. I ducked when that cannon ball went rolling across the screen.
  9. Visitors can almost feel the thud of cannon balls striking the iron sides.
  10. The torteaux, simulating cannon balls, allude to the numerical designation of the unit.
अधिक:   आगे

के आस-पास के शब्द

  1. canning industry
  2. cannister
  3. cannisters
  4. cannizzaro reaction
  5. cannon
  6. cannon fodder
  7. cannon into
  8. cannon sound
  9. cannon-fodder
  10. cannonade
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