
cannon into वाक्य

"cannon into" हिंदी में  cannon into in a sentence  

उदाहरण वाक्य

  1. Rhine beat goalkeeper Joe Cannon into the right corner of the net.
  2. Amr Mohamed hears another goal cannon into the cage.
  3. The French took 23 cannons into battle with them.
  4. He planned this as a defensive fight and dug his cannon into the embankment.
  5. And, of course, I managed to cannon into the legs of George Bernard Shaw.
  6. The Gaelic titles of pibroch compositions have been categorised by Roderick Cannon into four broad groupings.
  7. Meanwhile, another crew was transporting a second cannon into position, and eventually both were fired.
  8. And as always the film ends with the Swedish Chef firing a cannon into the movie screen.
  9. The Houston teen-ager needed a place to stay, so Walsh took Cannon into her home.
  10. The Spanish moved howitzers and cannons into what remained and opened fire on the next two British forts.
अधिक:   आगे

के आस-पास के शब्द

  1. cannisters
  2. cannizzaro reaction
  3. cannon
  4. cannon ball
  5. cannon fodder
  6. cannon sound
  7. cannon-fodder
  8. cannonade
  9. cannonball
  10. cannonballs
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