
canoed वाक्य

"canoed" हिंदी में  canoed in a sentence  

उदाहरण वाक्य

  1. Their skirts sweep into the lake as they clamber onto canoes.
  2. This means you can sail, canoe or kayak on it.
  3. Hitch a ride in the van to canoe in Laguna Verde.
  4. The next day, the canoe appeared in the parking lot.
  5. The canoe, sitting there on sawhorses, was almost perfect.
  6. *Steve Thomas, Chamblee, men's double canoe.
  7. Soon another canoe overtakes, very unsurprisingly, containing 16 rowers.
  8. Most people take a freighter canoe across the sandy tidal river.
  9. The group will study freshwater ecosystems and learn how to canoe.
  10. Some residents paddled canoes up flooded historic St . Charles Avenue.
अधिक:   आगे

के आस-पास के शब्द

  1. cannula
  2. cannular
  3. cannulation
  4. canny
  5. canoe
  6. canoeist
  7. canoeists
  8. canoes
  9. canoing
  10. canola oil
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