cell communication वाक्य
"cell communication" हिंदी में cell communication in a sentenceउदाहरण वाक्य
- This mechanism would eventually be used for cell-cell communication in animals
- N-acyl amides are primarily involved in cell-to-cell communication in biological systems.
- Li speculates that EMF spikes could cause miscarriages by subtly disrupting cell-to-cell communication.
- This is not a scientifically recognized method of cell communication.
- Sarin is a nerve agent that disrupts nerve cell communication.
- These data highlight the importance of GFAP for cell-cell communication.
- Therefore, it is implied that there are multiple factors working together influencing cell-to-cell communication.
- In June 2012, " Cell Communication and Signaling " received its first impact factor.
- Some cell cell communication requires direct cell cell contact.
- This 15-gene operon is responsible for the cell-cell and cell-surface interactions required for cell communication.
अधिक: आगे