
consumed energy वाक्य

"consumed energy" हिंदी में  consumed energy in a sentence  

उदाहरण वाक्य

  1. But whatever was breaking down the cell's own proteins did consume energy.
  2. Systems which are consuming energy are also sometimes described as being jammed.
  3. The West Bank and Gaza receive and consume energy in different ways.
  4. With use, muscles consume energy derived from both fat and glycogen.
  5. Rodriguez suggested consuming energy drinks only once or twice a day.
  6. Some of these appliances continue to consume energy when switched off.
  7. Although, our OP doesn't preclude the mirror consuming energy in it's own right.
  8. Cutting a solid body into pieces disrupts its bonds, and therefore consumes energy.
  9. Since the motors consume energy, one wants to use them only as necessary.
  10. Usually, breaking down releases energy and building up consumes energy.
अधिक:   आगे

के आस-पास के शब्द

  1. consumable store
  2. consumable stores
  3. consumables
  4. consume
  5. consumed
  6. consumer
  7. consumer behaviour
  8. consumer credit
  9. consumer decision making
  10. consumer durables
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