crepitation वाक्य
"crepitation" हिंदी में crepitation in a sentenceउदाहरण वाक्य
- Paul ( the GEK ) is the vocalist for Death Metal band Crepitation.
- When listening to lungs, breath sounds such as wheezes, crepitations and crackles are identified.
- Subcutaneous emphysema ( crepitation ) is an important diagnostic finding but is not very sensitive, being present in only 9 of 34 patients ( 27 percent ) in one series.
- Other commonly reported infusion reactions occurring in e " 5 % of patients were pallor, tremor, respiratory distress, wheezing, crepitations ( pulmonary ), pruritus, and rash ."
- "' Crepitus "'( also termed "'crepitation "') is a medical term to describe the grating, crackling or popping sounds and sensations experienced under the skin and joints or a crackling sensation due to the presence of air in the subcutaneous tissue.
- Since the mid-1990s, it has no longer been considered appropriate terminology in auscultation of the thorax, as much confusion has been reported in the published literature which confuses this with crepitations and wheezes, so the exact nature of this term is unclear ( see Fleischner Society for standardized terminology ).
- Gary Jennings, with his usual taste for grotesque violence, describes the public burning of a man in the central square of 16th-century Mexico City : " The noises included the familiar crepitations of wood doing its duty as fuel, and the eager lickings and lappings of the flames, and the spitting sounds as the man's skin bulged into blisters that instantly burst . . . and, toward the end, the indescribably horrid sound of his skull's blowing to fragments from the pressure of the brain boiling within ."
- Slonimsky's definition of "'sesquipedelian macropolysyllabification "'is : " Quaquaversal lucubration about pervicacious torosity and diverticular prosiliency in diatonic formication and chromatic papulation, engendering carotic carmination and decubital nyctalopia, causing borborygmic susurration, teratological urticulation, macroptic dysmimia, bregmatic obstipation, crassamental quisquiliousness, hircinous olophonia and unflexanimous luxation, often produce volmerine cacumination and mitotic ramuliferousness leading to operculate onagerosity and testaceous favillousness, as well as faucal obsonation, paralellepipedal psellismus, pigritudinous mysophia, cimicidal conspurcation, mollitious deglutition and cephalotripsical stultitiousness, resulting despite Hesychastic omphaloskepsis, in epenetic opisthography, boustrophedonic malacology, lampadodromic evagination, chartulary cadastration, merognostic heautotimerousness, favaginous moliminosity, fatiscent operosity, temulencious libration and otological oscininity, aggravated by tardigrade inturgescence, nucamentacious oliguria, emunctory sternutation, veneficial pediculation, fremescent dyskinesia, hispidinous cynanthropy, torminal opitulation, crapulous vellication, hippuric rhinodynia, dyspneic nimiety and favillous erethism, and culminating in opisthographic inconcinnity, scotophiliac lipothymia, banausic rhinorrhea, dehiscent fasciculation, oncological vomiturition, nevoid paludality, exomphalic invultuation, mysophiliac excrementatiousness, flagitious dysphoria, lipogrammatic bradygraphy, orectic aprosexia, parataxic parorexia, lucubicidal notation, permutational paronomasia, rhonchial fremitus, specular subsaltation, crapulous crepitation, ithyphallic acervation, procephalic dyscrasia, volitional volitation, piscine dermatology, proleptic pistology, verrucous alopecia, hendecaphonic combinatoriality, microaerophilic pandiculation and quasihemidemisemibreviate illation ."
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