curliness वाक्य
"curliness" हिंदी में curliness in a sentenceउदाहरण वाक्य
- Not all hair was created equal; female hair from northern Italy and Spain was especially prized for its glossy blackness and curliness.
- The care for the curly hair is simple with most people choosing to not comb the mane because the hair will lose its curliness.
- Then you specify length and amount of curliness, and you'll get a listing of photographs that best match the style you've selected.
- One of the most noticeable things about the role, aside from the material's breadth, is that Kingsley appears in wigs of differing thickness, blackness and curliness.
- Scientists in the UK have formulated a mathematical model that predicts the shape of a ponytail given the length and random curvature ( or curliness ) of a sample of individual hairs.
- Forbes remarks upon a process of " lumping ", whereby characteristics other than skin color, such as hair color or curliness, act as " triggers " for color categories " even when it may not be appropriate ."
- The pencil test, which distinguished either " black " from " Colored " or " Colored " from " white ", relied upon curliness and strength of hair ( i . e . whether it was capable of retaining a pencil under its own strength ) rather than upon any color factor at all.
- It gets pretty gross by my personal standards by the end of the day, but of course there are different lengths and textures and curlinesses of hair as well as different standards on what is gross, so it's going to vary . talk ) 17 : 33, 14 July 2012 ( UTC)
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