
device independence वाक्य

"device independence" हिंदी में  device independence in a sentence  

उदाहरण वाक्य

  1. The system also included User file and Device independence.
  2. "We're going after device independence, " said Charles Jennings, president and chief technology officer with StreamWorks.
  3. The domain has been the target of criticism due to allegedly breaking the principles of device independence.
  4. QSAM offers device independence : to the extent possible, the same API calls are used for different devices.
  5. The W3C Device Independence Working Group described many of the issues in its report Authoring Challenges for Device Independence.
  6. The W3C Device Independence Working Group described many of the issues in its report Authoring Challenges for Device Independence.
  7. One of the most important attributes of the " L * a * b * "-model is device independence.
  8. Device independence also allows users to swap devices at will, meaning that loss or breakdown of a particular device will not result in lost work or downtime.
  9. This stream of bytes model is used for file I / O, socket I / O, and terminal I / O in order to provide device independence.
  10. HDOS 2.0 is notable because it was one of the first microcomputer operating systems to use loadable device drivers to achieve a degree of device independence and extensibility.
अधिक:   आगे

के आस-पास के शब्द

  1. device control character
  2. device controller
  3. device coordinate
  4. device dependent
  5. device driver
  6. device independent
  7. device management
  8. device mode
  9. device name
  10. device number
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