
direct access method वाक्य

"direct access method" हिंदी में  direct access method in a sentence  

उदाहरण वाक्य

  1. The RRDS organization was designed to replace BDAM, the Basic Direct Access Method.
  2. Developers can use these direct access methods to design the data and index structures that closely parallel the needs of their application.
  3. The data was stored in " basic direct access method " ( BDAM ) files, which caused upgrade and portability problems later in its life-cycle.

के आस-पास के शब्द

  1. diradical
  2. dire
  3. direct
  4. direct access
  5. direct access file
  6. direct access storage
  7. direct access storage device
  8. direct account
  9. direct action
  10. direct action fuze
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