dorsum वाक्य
"dorsum" हिंदी में dorsum in a sentenceउदाहरण वाक्य
- The dorsum sellae is terminated laterally by the posterior clinoid processes.
- The skin of the dorsum is finely shagreen with small pustules.
- As for all clymeniids, the siphuncle is along the dorsum.
- Most are tightly coiled with the dorsum impressed to some degree.
- Sutures form shallow lobes on the venter, flanks and dorsum.
- The forewings are brown, but somewhat paler towards the dorsum.
- There are brownish-grey dots along the costa and dorsum.
- Venter is lighter than dorsum, sometimes light ash-gray.
- There is a white spot on the dorsum beyond the middle.
- The forewings are brown, the dorsum dark brownish grey basally.
अधिक: आगे