
established procedure वाक्य

"established procedure" हिंदी में  established procedure in a sentence  

उदाहरण वाक्य

  1. During the trial all established procedures were given a go-by and a totally novel , high-handed procedure was adopted for convicting and passing the sentences in the Bhagat Singh case .
    भगत सिंह के इन मुकदमों के दौरान सभी स्थापित नियम-प्रक्रियाओं के चिथड़े उड़ा दिये गये थे और उन्हें दोषी ठहराते वक़्त , सजाएं सुनाते वक़्त एक बिलकुल नया मनमाना ढंग अपनाया गया था .

के आस-पास के शब्द

  1. established church
  2. established harmony
  3. established market
  4. established order
  5. established practice
  6. establishing communication
  7. establishment
  8. establishment charges
  9. establishment of standards
  10. estate
PC संस्करण

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