finite measure वाक्य
"finite measure" हिंदी में finite measure in a sentenceउदाहरण वाक्य
- For finite measures and, the idea is to consider functions with.
- We wish to obtain a generally finite measure as the bin size goes to zero.
- More generally the spaces with an atomless, finite measure and are not locally convex.
- This property is false without the assumption that at least one of the has finite measure.
- It turns out that | & mu; | is a non-negative finite measure.
- If is a finite measure on, the function admits for the convergence in measure the following fundamental system of neighborhoods
- The fact that the remaining part of is singular with respect to follows from a technical fact about finite measures.
- Conversely, any homogeneous system of imprimitivity is of this form, for some measure ?-finite measure ?.
- For instance, it is used in proving the uniqueness claim of the Carath�odory extension theorem for ?-finite measures.
- Once the result is established for finite measures, extending to-finite, signed, and complex measures can be done naturally.
अधिक: आगे