
forward looking वाक्य

"forward looking" हिंदी में  forward looking in a sentence  

उदाहरण वाक्य

  1. The music is classic, but I think the album is forward looking.
  2. Lally's 1960s papers were forward looking and suggestive ( in retrospect ).
  3. Although evaluations are often a retrospective, their purpose is essentially forward looking.
  4. Eagleman says that the legal justice system ought to become more forward looking.
  5. Its visor projection provides forward looking infrared ( FLIR ) or video imagery.
  6. I'm generally interested in analysis of the accuracy of forward looking economic predictions.
  7. So why Obasanjo ? " He has a forward looking vision for Africa.
  8. Merit assessment is forward looking, predictive of college and post-college performance.
  9. He gave a forward looking Foreign Trade Policy ensuring its stability and predictability.
  10. ATC . ), in-flight aerial refuelling and forward looking infrared systems.
अधिक:   आगे

के आस-पास के शब्द

  1. forward engineering
  2. forward exchange
  3. forward exchange contracts
  4. forward exchange market
  5. forward linkage
  6. forward mail
  7. forward market
  8. forward markets commission
  9. forward message
  10. forward motion
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