geometrodynamics वाक्य
"geometrodynamics" हिंदी में geometrodynamics in a sentenceउदाहरण वाक्य
- The term geometrodynamics is as a synonym for general relativity.
- We will show following the reference " Geometrodynamics vs . Connection Dynamics " that
- Wheeler has written book in'geometrodynamics'some decades ago, though the writer is a frontier in this area.
- In theoretical physics, "'geometrodynamics "'is an attempt to describe spacetime and associated phenomena completely in terms of geometry.
- The page now offers a useful synopsis of topological geometrodynamics and some views of Pitk & auml; nen that is clearer and more instructive than his other papers.
- More properly, some authors use the phrase " Einstein's geometrodynamics " to denote the initial value formulation of general relativity, introduced by Arnowitt, Deser, and Misner ( ADM formalism ) around 1960.
- Also in 1960, at Stanford University for the " International Congress for Logic, Methodology, and Philosophy of Science ", John Archibald Wheeler introduced his geometrodynamics formulation of general relativity by crediting Clifford as the initiator.
- More recently, Christopher Isham, Jeremy Butterfield, and their students have continued to develop " quantum geometrodynamics " to take account of recent work toward a quantum theory of gravity and further developments in the very extensive mathematical theory of initial value formulations of general relativity.
- Since LQG is based on a specific quantum theory of Riemannian geometry, geometric observables display a fundamental discreteness that play a key role in quantum dynamics : While predictions of LQC are very close to those of quantum geometrodynamics ( QGD ) away from the Planck regime, there is a dramatic difference once densities and curvatures enter the Planck scale.
- My view is that the true Theory of Everything-- it is not a single theory that will satisfy everybody, but an ensemble of mutually compatible theories of different authors . ( The authors are free to use their own theoretica base, the base of notions, the system of proofs, etc ., but their theories must meet some general requirements . ) One of such ( conventionally ) compatible theory is the Matti's Topological Geometrodynamics.
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