hack driver वाक्य
"hack driver" हिंदी में hack driver in a sentenceउदाहरण वाक्य
- He found odd jobs such working as a " hack driver " in Minnesota.
- He is known as Milo to his Gypsy family, which runs a car service and bears roughly the same relationship to Lorimer as a hack driver would to an Oxford don.
- Among the other trades were Colorado coal miners'locals, Colorado railway workers, western hotel and restaurant workers, carpenters, typographers, grocery clerks, laundry workers, cooks and waiters, hack drivers, and mattress makers.
- Hack driver Clyde Sturgis delivered many such trunks to her from La Porte and later remarked how the heavyset woman would lift these enormous trunks " like boxes of marshmallows, " tossing them onto her wide shoulders and carrying them into the house.
- Working with nearly the same group with whom he started other organizations including fellow hack driver William Wormley ( ca . 1800-1855 ) and educator George Bell ( 1761 1843 ) Costin served as the Society s vice president through 1826.
- His funeral was poorly attended by his former baseball colleagues, and one former player who did attend observed, " There were not enough friends of Dunlap at his funeral to bury him and we had to call on the hack drivers to make up the list of active pall-bearers ."
- L . A . Rea had been in the decorating business; W . W . Sanderson had been a well-placed executive in the grocery business; Samuel Davis was a drummer; Edward Walsh a foreman in a shoe factory; C . J . Harrington and Patrick McCusshin had both been saloon-keepers; Jennings Phillips, a sprinter; F . P . Nicholas, a carpenter and former Carpenter's union president; James Kelley, a piano finisher and polisher; Max Manlock, an electrician; Thomas Longergan, a baker; Charles Dexter, a dentist; Michael Coffey, a hack driver; Daniel Coleman, a clerk with a wallpaper dealer; John J . Purri, a blacksmith; and Gallagher was a lawyer.
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