
hack driver वाक्य

"hack driver" हिंदी में  hack driver in a sentence  

उदाहरण वाक्य

  1. He found odd jobs such working as a " hack driver " in Minnesota.
  2. He is known as Milo to his Gypsy family, which runs a car service and bears roughly the same relationship to Lorimer as a hack driver would to an Oxford don.
  3. Among the other trades were Colorado coal miners'locals, Colorado railway workers, western hotel and restaurant workers, carpenters, typographers, grocery clerks, laundry workers, cooks and waiters, hack drivers, and mattress makers.
  4. Hack driver Clyde Sturgis delivered many such trunks to her from La Porte and later remarked how the heavyset woman would lift these enormous trunks " like boxes of marshmallows, " tossing them onto her wide shoulders and carrying them into the house.
  5. Working with nearly the same group with whom he started other organizations including fellow hack driver William Wormley ( ca . 1800-1855 ) and educator George Bell ( 1761 1843 )  Costin served as the Society s vice president through 1826.
  6. His funeral was poorly attended by his former baseball colleagues, and one former player who did attend observed, " There were not enough friends of Dunlap at his funeral to bury him and we had to call on the hack drivers to make up the list of active pall-bearers ."
  7. L . A . Rea had been in the decorating business; W . W . Sanderson had been a well-placed executive in the grocery business; Samuel Davis was a drummer; Edward Walsh a foreman in a shoe factory; C . J . Harrington and Patrick McCusshin had both been saloon-keepers; Jennings Phillips, a sprinter; F . P . Nicholas, a carpenter and former Carpenter's union president; James Kelley, a piano finisher and polisher; Max Manlock, an electrician; Thomas Longergan, a baker; Charles Dexter, a dentist; Michael Coffey, a hack driver; Daniel Coleman, a clerk with a wallpaper dealer; John J . Purri, a blacksmith; and Gallagher was a lawyer.
अधिक:   आगे

के आस-पास के शब्द

  1. habsburg jaw
  2. hachure
  3. hacienda
  4. hack
  5. hack around
  6. hack on
  7. hack saw
  8. hacker
  9. hacker ethic
  10. hacking
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