
hooky वाक्य

"hooky" हिंदी में  hooky in a sentence  

उदाहरण वाक्य

  1. Yet our representatives and senators wrote the rules on playing hooky.
  2. The Braves radio crew is ready for a day of hooky.
  3. It's semi-hooky hard rock, but dated.
  4. These are car people and they are playing Hot Rod Hooky.
  5. Endre said with a giggle that suggested a schoolgirl playing hooky.
  6. She does after the boys promise to never play hooky again.
  7. And I do think this first original hook is rather hooky.
  8. The rules were no wimping out and no playing hooky.
  9. As for the hooky part, she was hardly alone.
  10. But there was no age limit on hooky-playing.
अधिक:   आगे

के आस-पास के शब्द

  1. hooked rug
  2. hooker
  3. hookers
  4. hookworm
  5. hookworm disease
  6. hooky player
  7. hooligan
  8. hooliganism
  9. hooliganisms
  10. hooligans
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