hypothesis testing वाक्य
"hypothesis testing" हिंदी में hypothesis testing in a sentenceउदाहरण वाक्य
- This avenue of research is augmented with the use multiple hypothesis testing.
- The two forms of hypothesis testing are based on different problem formulations.
- This is a useful property of indicator variables, especially for hypothesis testing.
- The Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association recommends estimation over hypothesis testing.
- The HYPHY name is an abbreviation for " HYpothesis testing using PHYlogenies ".
- :The article on Statistical hypothesis testing explains how hypothesis testing is normally done.
- From the perspective of hypothesis testing criteria, the phenomenon lacks reproducibility.
- :: : Do you understand the principles of statistical hypothesis testing in general?
- And have you read hypothesis testing, normal distribution and Z-test yet?
- Statistical hypothesis testing is sometimes called "'confirmatory data analysis " '.
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