
in care of वाक्य

"in care of" हिंदी में  in care of in a sentence  

उदाहरण वाक्य

  1. A : Write to Simpson in care of attorney Leroy " Skip"
  2. A : Send letters in care of the show to " LIVE!
  3. Or you can fax him, again in care of Fieger, at 810-355-5148.
  4. A : Mail can be sent in care of his attorney.
  5. A : Mail can be sent in care of her agent.
  6. A : The actor can be reached in care of his book publisher.
  7. Write him in care of NBC, 30 Rockefeller Plaza, New York, NY 10112.
  8. A : Send mail to him in care of " Today,"
  9. Scott believes he is helping a daughter remain in care of their mother.
  10. Write to any " JAG " cast member in care of " JAG,"
अधिक:   आगे

के आस-पास के शब्द

  1. in broad daylight
  2. in bulk
  3. in calf
  4. in camera
  5. in care
  6. in case
  7. in case of
  8. in case of failure
  9. in case of need
  10. in cash
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