
inset map वाक्य

"inset map" हिंदी में  inset map in a sentence  

उदाहरण वाक्य

  1. It's more the size of a Rand McNally inset map of, say, downtown Omaha.
  2. The increased detail is sometimes handled with an inset map at increased scale, but not always.
  3. Three inset maps display conflicts, religions, and oil and water reserves throughout the region . 186p9 x 20 1 / 8.
  4. He therefore uses a completely different projection for the inset map of the north polar regions : an azimuthal equidistant projection.
  5. On the full map, the two continents are separated by a strait, but on an inset map, they are joined at the Isthmus of Panama.
  6. After Sydow's death, G�ttingen, designed the " " Sydow-Wagner Methodischer Schulatlas " " ( Sydow-Wagner Methodical School Atlas ) with 60 major and 50 inset maps.
  7. The completed map measured roughly four feet high and five feet wide, and included an inset map depicting the known extent of the North American continent.
  8. His map of Monmouthshire includes an inset map of the town, and shows the Monnow Bridge and Gate, as well as a similar gatehouse on the Wye Bridge.
  9. The template overlays the map with polygons corresponding to the postcode areas ( including the areas shown at larger scale on the London and Manchester inset maps ).
  10. Middle East inset map shows Qatar's proximity to Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Kuwait, Iraq, Iran, Syria, Oman, United Arab Emirates, Pakistan and AfghanistAn . 021p x 5 5 / 11.
अधिक:   आगे

के आस-पास के शब्द

  1. insertion sequence
  2. insertion sort
  3. inservice education
  4. inservice training
  5. inset
  6. inshore
  7. inshore fishing
  8. inshore patrol
  9. inshore water
  10. inside
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