
jackass वाक्य

"jackass" हिंदी में  jackass in a sentence  

उदाहरण वाक्य

  1. We're talking about a real big-time jackass.
  2. In the spirit of " Jackass the Movie,"
  3. I speak of " Jackass : the Movie ."
  4. Another jackass snorts copious amounts of wasabi, and immediately vomits.
  5. So what, then, is " Jackass "?
  6. Does Jackass provide any significant insight into this current twentysomething generation?
  7. Twain frequented the bar while he lived in nearby Jackass Hill.
  8. It makes us look like a bunch of bigoted jackasses,
  9. Matthews also has discovered that not all jackasses are equines.
  10. That may have been the jackass question of the offseason,
अधिक:   आगे

के आस-पास के शब्द

  1. jack up
  2. jack-in-the-box
  3. jack-o-lantern
  4. jackal
  5. jackanapes
  6. jackboot
  7. jackdaw
  8. jacket
  9. jacket cooling
  10. jacket crown
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