
jacobean वाक्य

"jacobean" हिंदी में  jacobean in a sentence  

उदाहरण वाक्य

  1. The 17th century pulpit is decorated with Jacobean strap-carvings.
  2. He transformed Somerleyton Hall into a typical East Anglian Jacobean mansion.
  3. The current hall is based around a 16th C Jacobean Property.
  4. Painting in Tudor and Jacobean England 1530-1630 ".
  5. The structure consists of a combined clock tower, Jacobean motifs.
  6. The church, which is dedicated to Norman and Jacobean architecture.
  7. Jacobean court poets and musicians, later called the Castalian Band.
  8. Inside the church are a 13th-century octagonal jacobean pulpit.
  9. The gate lodge and outbuildings are also in a Jacobean style.
  10. Jacobean audiences ate up stories involving " infected minds ."
अधिक:   आगे

के आस-पास के शब्द

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  2. jackpot
  3. jacks
  4. jackscrew
  5. jacksonian seizure
  6. jacobi ellipsoid
  7. jacobian
  8. jacobian determinant
  9. jacobian elliptic function
  10. jacobian function
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