kilobit वाक्य
"kilobit" हिंदी में kilobit in a sentenceउदाहरण वाक्य
- That's 100 kilobits _ slower than an ISDN line.
- So far the two 56-kilobit technologies are not compatible.
- And 56-kilobit isn't really 56-kilobit.
- And 56-kilobit isn't really 56-kilobit.
- Sprintnet usually offers speeds up to 14.4 kilobits per second.
- Copper lines can only carry around 64 kilobits a second of data.
- Sprint will use 3Com's 56-kilobit, x2 technology.
- Speed of transmission : Up to 85 kilobits per second.
- A 56-kilobit modem is almost a minimum requirement.
- We connected to the network at 28.8 kilobits per second.
अधिक: आगे