memorialized वाक्य
"memorialized" हिंदी में memorialized in a sentenceउदाहरण वाक्य
- Initially, little was done in Haddonfield to memorialize the dinosaur.
- Perhaps America's only state park memorializing a foreign invader.
- Wednesday, he was thinking of ways to memorialize his friend.
- The most impressive _ and unusual _ sites memorialize the victims.
- It is only right that growth be memorialized where it began.
- Mother Teresa is memorialized in a new tribute album released Tuesday.
- Thornton said he is exploring possible ways Eric can be memorialized.
- He decided to memorialize the high and rough times in print.
- So it was a time to memorialize, eulogize and vent.
- The only prison camp the victors cared to memorialize was Andersonville.
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