
nestorian church वाक्य

"nestorian church" हिंदी में  nestorian church in a sentence  

उदाहरण वाक्य

  1. There is mention of a Nestorian Church there in the sixth century.
  2. Like the Nestorian churches, schisms also occurred within the Syriac Orthodox Church.
  3. Babai the Great and Mar Aba administered the Nestorian Church for 17 years.
  4. During the decades of this vacancy, the Nestorian church required a sort of authority.
  5. Even now there is a Nestorian church in Trichur, called the Chaldean Syrian Church.
  6. The Nestorian Church has few restrictions on affinity begetting affinity.
  7. This was the beginning of the Nestorian Church, the eastern branch of Syrian Christianity.
  8. The Church of the East was therefore pejoratively labelled the " Nestorian Church ".
  9. In 1322, the Franciscan Nestorian churches in the city.
  10. This community adopted an increasingly Nestorian theology and was thereafter often known as the Nestorian Church.
अधिक:   आगे

के आस-पास के शब्द

  1. nesting
  2. nesting season
  3. nesting site
  4. nestle
  5. nestling
  6. net
  7. net absorption
  8. net address
  9. net advantage
  10. net amount
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