
net address वाक्य

"net address" हिंदी में  net address in a sentence  

उदाहरण वाक्य

  1. You'll only get mail sent to the Palm . net address.
  2. State of Ohio Net address, probably at a school.
  3. The Herald traced it to the Net address of one Gene Hilsheimer, a Florida resident.
  4. General'Net addresses can be had for the bargain rate of 500, 000 for $ 50.
  5. Customers then can browse to the Net address, enter the code and look at their pictures.
  6. The ` Net address is : http : / / www . americanexpress . com / travel
  7. To retrieve e-mail sent to other addresses, it must be forwarded to the palm . net address.
  8. "My first question is, what's the kid's Net address ? " asked Dan Rosenbaum, editor of Netguide magazine.
  9. Both IPs resolve to *-dynamic . b-ras2 . dbn . dublin . eircom . net addresses, as per previous activity.
  10. Gibson, who more recently wrote " Virtual Light, " said he doesn't have a modem, let alone a Net address.
अधिक:   आगे

के आस-पास के शब्द

  1. nestle
  2. nestling
  3. nestorian church
  4. net
  5. net absorption
  6. net advantage
  7. net amount
  8. net assets
  9. net assimilation rate
  10. net capital formation
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