ordinary wave वाक्य
"ordinary wave" हिंदी में ordinary wave in a sentenceउदाहरण वाक्य
- Well, assuming we are using an electromagnetic wave as simple as what I drew, how do the torus-like wave fronts of an ordinary wave turn into the ( probably ? ) fusilli like shape of a polarized light?
- where V ex is the ( DC ) voltage measured by the PMT from the extraordinary wave, and V dc is the DC component of the voltage measured by the PMT for the ordinary wave ( measurement path not shown in the diagram ).
- The spit formed almost entirely of flint deposited by waves through the process of long-shore drift . The main influence on its formation has been storm waves throwing shingle over the top of the beach crest, where it is protected from ordinary wave action.
- In telecommunication, "'magneto-ionic double refraction "'is the combined effect of the Earth's magnetic field and atmospheric ionization, whereby a linearly polarized wave entering the ionosphere is split into two components called the ordinary wave and extraordinary wave.
- I'm asking because an ordinary wave in the ocean appears to travel, but the water is not actually moving forward-just the wave is, the water is actually only moving up and down . talk ) 04 : 49, 5 April 2011 ( UTC)
- We now make the following substitutions, motivated by the decomposition of traveling wave solutions ( of the ordinary wave equation, to which this reduces when \ alpha, h vanish ) into left-and right-moving waves, so that we only consider a right-moving wave.
- So, as a previous poster said, energy quantization doesn't say that a photon's energy has to be an integer multiple of some constant, but rather that energy ( photons ) don't behave entirely like ordinary waves, and in fact seems to act like particles on occasion.
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