oxbridge वाक्य
"oxbridge" हिंदी में oxbridge in a sentenceउदाहरण वाक्य
- Barnes could more than suffice as an updated Oxbridge John Bull.
- Approximately thirty to forty pupils gain places at Oxbridge each year.
- Students sit Oxford and Cambridge ( Oxbridge ) entrance examinations annually.
- The Scottish MA and the Oxbridge MA are not postgraduate qualifications.
- Here he focussed on Oxbridge entrance candidates and continued his writing.
- "I don't have an Oxbridge accent,"
- He even proposes endowing an Oxbridge Chair of Literary Capitalism.
- Oxbridge fellows who have retired as " Emeritus Fellow ".
- The layout is similar to that of an " Oxbridge " college.
- It consistently ranks among the top ten state schools for Oxbridge entry.
अधिक: आगे