
rotarian वाक्य

"rotarian" हिंदी में  rotarian in a sentence  

उदाहरण वाक्य

  1. No word on any sightings of Optimists, Rotarians or Kiwanians.
  2. They could have been Rotarians or lawyers attending a legal convention.
  3. You'd be surprised at how those Rotarians could spell.
  4. Also present at the dinner was Rotarian Dr Chew Hon Nam.
  5. Rotarians from many other districts participate and contribute to this project.
  6. Nice People : Rotarians, above all, are nice people.
  7. As a Rotarian and community leader Bruce has garnered numerous awards.
  8. He was Rotarian of the Year for his club in 2008.
  9. The senator said he is a moderate, Labriola told the Rotarians.
  10. And they have won near-Rotarian status for themselves.
अधिक:   आगे

के आस-पास के शब्द

  1. rosy starling
  2. rot
  3. rota
  4. rotalia
  5. rotameter
  6. rotarians
  7. rotary
  8. rotary bit
  9. rotary camera
  10. rotary club
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