
signal centre वाक्य

"signal centre" हिंदी में  signal centre in a sentence  

उदाहरण वाक्य

  1. This meant that the crossing operator's job was now redundant, with CCTV used to control the crossing from the Three Bridges signal centre.
  2. Between bunkers ran a network of trenches linking the different underground positions, consisting of the headquarters, signal centre, radio room, mess rooms and bathrooms.
  3. In 1959, as the RAF's Central Signals Centre, it was dealing with 10, 000 messages a day : 5, 500 domestic and 4, 500 international.
  4. After 1958 the Battle of Britain Bunker became the home of the South-East Signals Centre, which in 1959 became the South-East Zone Telephone Switching Centre and then the South-East Communications Centre.
  5. He also helped design deep air raid shelters, eight of which were attached to existing stations such as Goodge Street tube station ( which also housed a signals centre used by General Eisenhower to direct the D-Day landings in Normandy in 1944 ).

के आस-पास के शब्द

  1. signal area
  2. signal arm
  3. signal base
  4. signal bomb
  5. signal bridge
  6. signal circuit
  7. signal conditioning
  8. signal converter
  9. signal detection theory
  10. signal distance
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