signal centre वाक्य
"signal centre" हिंदी में signal centre in a sentenceउदाहरण वाक्य
- This meant that the crossing operator's job was now redundant, with CCTV used to control the crossing from the Three Bridges signal centre.
- Between bunkers ran a network of trenches linking the different underground positions, consisting of the headquarters, signal centre, radio room, mess rooms and bathrooms.
- In 1959, as the RAF's Central Signals Centre, it was dealing with 10, 000 messages a day : 5, 500 domestic and 4, 500 international.
- After 1958 the Battle of Britain Bunker became the home of the South-East Signals Centre, which in 1959 became the South-East Zone Telephone Switching Centre and then the South-East Communications Centre.
- He also helped design deep air raid shelters, eight of which were attached to existing stations such as Goodge Street tube station ( which also housed a signals centre used by General Eisenhower to direct the D-Day landings in Normandy in 1944 ).