snaffle bit वाक्य
"snaffle bit" हिंदी में snaffle bit in a sentenceउदाहरण वाक्य
- The holding company in turn owns the Snaffle Bit Ranch near Fredericksburg.
- In general, competitors in this grade use a snaffle bit or double bridle.
- In general, competitors in this grade use a snaffle bit.
- Bit guards are used with loose ring snaffle bits, gag bits, and pelham bits.
- A bradoon is a snaffle bit designed specifically for use in the double bridle.
- In general, competitors in this grade use a snaffle bit or a double bridle.
- Either a curb or snaffle bit may be used.
- Younger horses, three-year-olds, can compete with a snaffle bit.
- English riders do not add any type of curb strap or curb chain to a snaffle bit.
- A snaffle bit was seen as fit only for young untrained horses, plow horses, or carriage horses.
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