
snake charmer वाक्य

"snake charmer" हिंदी में  snake charmer in a sentence  

उदाहरण वाक्य

  1. Now the snake charmer is standing atop a platform and belching hyperbole.
  2. The sideshow began on Labor Day 1985 with a single snake charmer.
  3. "Sapera " is a name given to the snake charmers of India.
  4. It's got snake charmers and Elvis impersonators, a lot of bizarre stuff.
  5. His voice is everywhere, the snake charmer never quiet for an instant.
  6. "Alan Garcia is a snake charmer, " political scientist Fernando Rospigliosi said.
  7. Today, cultural changes are threatening the profession of the snake charmer in India.
  8. People tend to see Schnellenberger as a snake charmer or a football savant.
  9. Modern Indians often view snake charmers as little more than beggars.
  10. There are fairs with snake charmers, puppeteers, acrobats and folk performers.
अधिक:   आगे

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