speculative business वाक्य
"speculative business" हिंदी में speculative business in a sentenceउदाहरण वाक्य
- Instead, he went back to ranching after completely selling out of his highly speculative business.
- He built a series of " h�tels particuliers " in Paris as speculative business enterprises.
- "It's a very speculative business that we're in.
- His political agenda includes introduction of a liveable minimum wage, comprehensive social security, collective bargaining and taxing speculative business.
- "We've seen a lot of dot-com fatalities and less willingness to finance highly speculative business plans, " said Vais.
- If it weren't for their institutional business, they would not be far behind us in speculative business, " says another.
- The "'Hay Building "'( 117-135 Dyer Street ) is a four-story structure, built in 1867 for Alexander Duncan, as a speculative business venture.
- With that, he ended his speculative business deals, saw a newspaper ad for a sweater mill in Malden, Mass ., and bought it.
- In 1910, he moved back to Chicago to join a speculative business of a friend of his who wished to manufacture an automobile self-starter.
- Decreased valuation of a corporation before any bailout would prevent risky, speculative business decisions by executives who conduct due diligence in their business transactions.
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