
speculative investment वाक्य

"speculative investment" हिंदी में  speculative investment in a sentence  

उदाहरण वाक्य

  1. Hainan has long been particularly notorious for corruption and highly speculative investments.
  2. The BB + rating means Fitch considers the debt a speculative investment.
  3. These were highly successful speculative investments that he acquired at low cost.
  4. All were highly speculative investments whose shares declined sharply in recent months.
  5. That kind of atmosphere will only attract questionable, furtive or speculative investment.
  6. The client was clearly informed that Memorex Telex was a speculative investment,
  7. Large short-term capital inflows resulting in current account deficits and speculative investments.
  8. Instead, most have plowed their money into buying industries or speculative investments.
  9. Recall that speculative investment was discouraged by the Bretton Woods agreement.
  10. A junk rating means a bond is considered a speculative investment.
अधिक:   आगे

के आस-पास के शब्द

  1. speculation
  2. speculation business
  3. speculative
  4. speculative business
  5. speculative demand
  6. speculative market
  7. speculative philosophy
  8. speculative purchasing
  9. speculative transaction
  10. speculativeness
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