
strollers वाक्य

"strollers" हिंदी में  strollers in a sentence  

उदाहरण वाक्य

  1. Moms who stroller skate say they get a good postpartum workout.
  2. City Stroller croaked, as only a stubborn man can croak.
  3. There are so many strollers that it feels like rush hour.
  4. She is so distracted, she trips over an oncoming stroller.
  5. Banks is able to point out the subtleties to the stroller.
  6. The mangled bodies and mangled car and heartbreaking stroller are gone.
  7. I recently saw a mother pushing a stroller down the aisle.
  8. It's proud grandparents pushing strollers, and kids with ball
  9. Strollers gawk at hundreds of crumbling, time-blackened tombstones.
  10. My kids eat when they can, sleep in the stroller.
अधिक:   आगे

के आस-पास के शब्द

  1. stroke volume
  2. stroke work
  3. stroll
  4. strolled
  5. stroller
  6. strolling
  7. strolls
  8. strom
  9. stroma
  10. stromatolite
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