
successive elimination वाक्य

"successive elimination" हिंदी में  successive elimination in a sentence  

उदाहरण वाक्य

  1. This method is close to the familiar process of successive eliminations of undesired variables in a system of equations.
  2. He showed how to convert a problem stated verbally into a system of polynomial equations ( up to the 14th order ), by using up to four unknowns : ) YHeaven, 0WEarth, �NMan, irMatter, and then how to reduce the system to a single polynomial equation in one unknown by successive elimination of unknowns.

के आस-पास के शब्द

  1. successive
  2. successive approximation
  3. successive approximation method
  4. successive contrast
  5. successive differentiation
  6. successive terms
  7. successive transformation
  8. successively
  9. successiveness
  10. successor
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