
teachable वाक्य

"teachable" हिंदी में  teachable in a sentence  

उदाहरण वाक्य

  1. Joe tells friends he never believed hitting was a teachable art.
  2. "These are teachable moments, " says Snow.
  3. The teachable things, he doesn't do so well.
  4. Rather, says Bartley, it's a teachable moment.
  5. The breed is willing and teachable with a very good temperament.
  6. Surely, these are the words of a teachable man.
  7. "Look for the teachable moment, " says Haffner.
  8. _Make going to the mall or a movie a teachable experience.
  9. Listening is a learnable, teachable skill, " he said.
  10. Is successful selling a talent or a teachable skill?
अधिक:   आगे

के आस-पास के शब्द

  1. teacakes
  2. teacart
  3. teach
  4. teach an old dog new tricks
  5. teach school
  6. teacher
  7. teacher education
  8. teacher educator
  9. teacher expectation
  10. teacherless
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