
transcribing machine वाक्य

"transcribing machine" हिंदी में  transcribing machine in a sentence  

उदाहरण वाक्य

  1. Bender had become a star attraction, repeatedly making headlines whether by compiling the widely publicized NBC Handbook of Pronunciation, by making Queens College the first educational institution in New York City to acquire a " continuous recording and transcribing machine, " or by emerging as a latter day Henry Higgins, using the recorder to demonstrate the stunningly improved speech and enunciation of a group of street urchins he tutored in the social graces.

के आस-पास के शब्द

  1. transconductance
  2. transcontinental
  3. transcreation
  4. transcribe
  5. transcriber
  6. transcript
  7. transcription
  8. transcurrent
  9. transcurrent fault
  10. transducer
PC संस्करण

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