
vena cardinalis वाक्य

"vena cardinalis" हिंदी में  vena cardinalis in a sentence  

उदाहरण वाक्य

  1. Jugal Veins ( J ) of the jugal lobe of the wing is often occupied by a network of irregular veins, or it may be entirely membranous; but sometimes it contains one or two distinct small veins, the first jugal vein, or vena arcuata, and the second jugal vein, or vena cardinalis ( 2J ).
  2. The jugal vein ( J ) of the jugal lobe of the wing is often occupied by a network of irregular veins, or it may be entirely membranous; sometimes it contains one or two distinct, small veins, the first jugal vein, or vena arcuata, and the second jugal vein, or vena cardinalis ( 2J ).

के आस-पास के शब्द

  1. velvety
  2. velvety-haired
  3. vena
  4. vena arcuata
  5. vena capitis
  6. vena cava
  7. vena comitans
  8. vena contracta
  9. vena dividens
  10. venal
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